
Psychological testing for all ages [captionpix imgsrc=”https://psychosomatics.be/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/77294177_2.jpg” captiontext=”” width=300 align=righ
Scales of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) – psychodiagnosis, assessing the psychological and psychiatric problems of the individual

Clinical and psychiatric scales: BDI-II, SCl-90R, STAI X-Y, LSAS, EDI-2, SCID-I, measures of anxiety, agressiveness, depression

Intelligence tests (verbal and non-verbal IQ): WISC, WPPSI, WAIS

Personality tests: MMPI-2, Big Five

Projective tests: Rorschach, TAT, CAT, ..

Graphic tests: drawing of the tree, of the family, of the human figure, for children

Aptitude and orientation tests: BPA

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