Individual therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Psycho-Somatic procedures, Counseling, Couch and Support

Therapy is a process in which a professional relationship is established for the purpose of helping a client explore current and long-standing issues toward the achievement of such ultimate goals as emotional healing, self-improvement, and better life functioning. It is also useful as a service by which one can gain support, understanding and guidance in learning interpersonal skills, coping with difficult situations, and in making decisions. Each session is a forum in which your concerns and goals take priority, and through which you can gain self-awareness, increase self-esteem, and find new ways of handling personal challenges. Many people find the therapy relationship itself a very valuable means for learning about oneself, as well as one’s impact on others. In making your decision about therapy, I believe you should feel comfortable with the therapist you choose and hopeful about the therapy. When you feel this way, therapy is more likely to be very helpful to you.

Therapy requires active participation of both the client and the therapist, though the roles of the two will differ. Typically, the client brings forth concerns, issues to explore, and problems to resolve, and through the interaction with the therapist, often gains a clearer understanding of the matters being discussed. The therapist’s job is to listen, provide relevant information, guidance and feedback in order to facilitate the client’s progress. By applying your awareness and what you learn, you will be in a stronger position to effect changes in your life and to make wiser decisions in reaching your goals. Some common client goals are to feel better, enjoy greater satisfaction in life (professional and/or personal), establish and maintain healthy relationships, and to stop repeating negative patterns. Your particular goals and objectives are important to identify in the initial phase of treatment, and they are determined through client-therapist collaboration.

During the consultation phase, we will first work together to identify what areas you want to focus on, as well as any goals you wish to accomplish.

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