
Sono un trainer specializzatao nella promozione del benessere e della salute mentale. Ho una vasta esperienza di collaborazione con aziende internazionali (banche, aziende informatiche, strutture sanitarie, aziende farmaceutiche e alimentari, aziende di trasporti ed energia, ecc.). La maggior parte del mio lavoro come trainer è stato svolto per WorkPlace Options. Negli ultimi 3 anni ho presentato oltre 1000 corsi di formazione. Fornisco formazione in 5 lingue: inglese, francese, italiano, rumeno e olandese.

E il mio stile da formatore? La mia passione è facilitare le discussioni tra i partecipanti. Preferisco l’interazione perché è il modo migliore per motivare le persone a pensare e cambiare. Invito i partecipanti a intervenire e condividere le loro esperienze sul campo. Sono orgoglioso e soddisfatto di aiutare gli altri a sviluppare nuovi modi di pensare, a mettere in discussione le loro abitudini, ad invitarli ad osare, ad imparare e a crescere. Di seguito menziono alcuni esempi di corsi di formazione e workshop che ho svolto negli ultimi anni.

Portofolio Webinars:

1. Co-active Coaching and de Impact on de Brain
2. Helping Clients Confront their Irrational Beliefs
3. Understanding and Identifying Mental Illness
4. Recognizing a Troubled Employee
5. Recognizing and Assisting Employees with Mental Health Concerns
6. Building Resilience for Managers
7. Checking in, Let’s Talk about Mental Health
8. Mindfulness Matters
9. Maximizing your Day, Effective Time Management
10. Healthy Mind Toolkit
11. Path to Inner Peace
12. Eating your Way to Wellness
13. Managing Long Term Sick Leave
14. Supporting your Colleague After Long Term Sick Leave
15. Understanding Resilience
16. Building Positive Relationships
17. Coping With Change
18. Mental Health Awareness for Managers
19. Mental Health Drives Performance
20. Coping with Stress and Growing Resilience
21. Changing Relationships: You and Your Aging Parents
22. Employee and Family Solutions
23. Building Positive Relations at Work
24. Compassion and Self-Compassion
25. Creating a Resilient Mindset
26. Switching Off- Preventing Digital Burn-Out
27. Maintaining your Composure During the Covid Outbreak
28. Say what you Mean the Right Way
29. Discovering the Power of Self Awareness
30. Tackling Loneliness
31. Say “No” to Tobacco
32. Overcome the Impostor Syndrome
33. Raising Resilient Children
34. Financially Smart Parenting
35. Wellbeing for Women
36. Nurturing a Growth Mindset in your Team
37. Mental Health: Recognize and Respond
38. Understanding Neurodiversity in the Workplace
39. Overcome Parental Guilt
40. Fostering a Sense of Belonging
41. Men’s Health Matters
42. Become a Self-Starter
43. Giving and Receiving Feedback, a Session for Managers
44. Money Matters
45. Cross-cultural Communication
46. Discover the World of Emotional Intelligence
47. Calming the Anxious Mind
48. Balance, Not Burnout
49. Staying Optimistic, Conquering the Negative Thoughts
50. Life Beyond Digital Devices
51. Effective Communication
52. Setting Healthy Boundaries
53. Effective Stress Management
54. Eat Well. Move More. Sleep Better
55. Embracing Change
56. Eating Healthily on the Run
57. Caring for You, while Caring for Others
58. Recover from Compassion Fatigue
59. Creating a Resilient Mindset
60. Unlock the Secret to Financial Wellbeing
61. Mastering your Money
62. Thriving in Later Life
63. Powerful Communication
64. Fostering a Sense of Belonging
65. Calming the Anxious Mind
66. Understanding Emotional Triggers
67. Balancing Act
68. Responding to Bullying and Harassment
69. Mindfulness for Better Sleep
70. Getting Comfortable with Conflicts
71. Tackle Unhealthy Habits
72. Mindfulness for Compassion
73. Why Inclusion Matters
74. Thriving at Work
75. Working Parents
76. Talking about the S-word
77. Become more Heart Smart
78. Self-Care Toolkit
79. Battling Burnout
80. Clearing your Mind
81. Managing Psychosocial Risks
82. Practice of Gratitude
83. The Gratitude Habit
84. Demystify Mental Health
85. Helping Children Learn Mindfulness
86. Coping with Illness
87. Emotional Intelligence for Success
88. Fatherhood Support
89. Healthy Boundaries: Life-Work Balance
90. Battling Burnout
91. Keeping an Open Mind
92. Identifying Signs of Addiction in a Loved One
93. Understanding Broken Heart Symptoms
94. Transitioning from Your Role into Parental Leave
95. Boosting your Mental Health
96. Financial Detox
97. Managing and Taking Control over your Life
98. The Sandwich Generation
99. Mastering your Money in a Changing World
100. Understanding Menopause in the Workplace
101. Understanding Microaggressions
102. Discovering unconscious Bias
103. Navigating your Holidays
104. Work Smarter, not Harder
105. Mindfulness for Emotional Strength
106. Women’s Health and Menopause
107. Better Self-care
108. Discovering the World of Emotional Intelligence
109. Mindfulness to Pay Attention
110. Advocating for Your Employees
111. Coping with Stress, Growing Resilience
112. People Centric Leadership
113. Tackle Negative Habits
114. Ergonomics and Healthy Moving
115. Beyond Body Scan
116. Explore Moments to Practice Mindfulness
117. Many Facets of Grief
118. From Tired to Inspired
119. Supporting Colleagues who Struggle
120. Leading Through Change
121. Managers Orientations
122. Employee Orientations
123. Overcome Parental Guilt
124. Parenting Adolescents
125. Support Your Child Mental Health

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